Thursday, 17 March 2016

A last minute order...

Party in a box! I love this one...  my friend asked me to put a few things she can put uh p at the party as I will be away during the party...  and a few party packs of course!  Now everyone can party!!!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

A Surprise Party!

This very special mom ordered party packs from Alor Setar and she plans to surprise her daughter on her 16th birthday...  I help consult from here regarding cake and some simple stuff. She did a really great job and the recult is awesome...  Kind hearted mom, lovely daughter!  Happy 16th Birthday Farhah!!

Monday, 29 February 2016

My Story

Cerita Si Party Planner....
Well , there is a long story behind this "story" actually... I have been thru a lot up until now ...
And now is the most crucial time in my life... And I don't think I am strong enuff to go thru this ...Without friends I might go crazy a long time ago and without my beliefs I would have jumped the building also...
Today I have to make a very hard decision to send my Aqeef to government school... people may say what/s wrong with that? Everybody is doing that and you are lucky that your kid still manage to go to school ... YES! Alhamdulillah I am still lucky ... but My Aqeef is a very special boy.
Here is my story.. I was diagnose with cancer in 2005 and while I was going thru my major operation in Selayang Hospital my husband is away in Sudan for work.
My kids are only 5 and 3 at that time. And I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. And I was released from the hospital exactly on my 30th Birthday which is 27 December 2005 ... later that week I was confirmed by the doctor that I have Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Stage 4 because it has gone to my liver and it is a very rare cancer which there is not a lot of research done about it. Hence there is no chemotherapy good enuff to cure the cancer. There is only one chemo drug which cost RM10,000 per month with 50-50 chance of cure. Seeing my kids so little made me so sad that I got major depression and had to take medication for that also.
After about a year of chemotherapy, my liver is enlarged and doctor said that the chemo is not working and I have to stop. I could try another type of chemo which is still under testing and not in Malaysia yet which cost RM25k per month in Singapore. I said that we don't have enuff money to proceed and the doctor said that I have 9 months to live if I don't take the chemo. My first financial crisis that I have in my married life. Look at my boys, I don't want to deprive them from any happiness because of my sickness.
After the news I was devastated and cried with my husband trying to find a way out of this. A few month past and ramadhan came and I was trying so hard to fulfill the fasting month.. I realized that I have not have my period during ramadhan and went for a check up. Subhanallah I was pregnant!!!! While counting the days towards my 9 months "life sentence" , a new life is being formed inside of me. But the happy news became a disaster after we talked to my oncologist. She said that being so close after my chemo, having a baby might have a serious impact on the baby or I might not get to term coz of my liver condition is really bad. She asked me to abort!
We met a few doctors and everyone said to abort, the risk is too high. But my personal doctor said, there must be a reason ALLAH gave me this baby at this time so embrace and tawakkal. I did that and Alhamdulillah we have a healthy baby boy. But at 3 years old, he doesn't mutter even 1 sound or even called mama. He doesn't interact or play with his brothers. Some doctor was saying he has autism and I was very worried that I bring him into this world just to leave him with all these problems to face alone while I am gone. Is it because I am stubborn having him while the doctors advice against it? We brought him to child phsycologist to get him checked and get proper treatment. They dis hearing test to make sure his hearing was okay. They did all kind of test and lastly the send him to speech therapy. And as soon as the therapist gave instruction in english, he responded! MasyaAllah I was so relieved and we took him for a few sessions and the therapist suggested that we send him for a play group. And Alhamdulillah to make long story short, we are able to communicate with him but only in English... 

This is the only reason why I want the best for him and I don't want him to feel outcast. But I have done my best but truly it is not enuff. I just want the best for my kids.It's hard to be different... and that is not what he wanted... or what we made him... I want him to be happy while I am still here. Hopefully this is all for the best.


Sunday, 28 February 2016

Pirate theme!

Just a simple celebration according to own budget...  but as long as the kids are happy, it's priceless!  Now everyone can party!

Korean Theme Party Packs

Party packs for a wonderful girl. A lovely surprise for her birthday next week from her beautiful mom... enjoyed doing it..

Ready to be posted to Alor Setar!

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Small gathering birthday party!

My auntie asked me to make party packs and decor for her granddaughter's birthday party and a little décor for the cake table... it's a simple party for the sake of relatives  gathering and get together...  

The party packs for guests 
The sweet birthday cake
Simple décor for the cake table...
The birthday girl and the whole family 

My son's 8th birthday party!!

A little celebration at school for my little one... He was super excited! And also his classmates... 
Now everyone can party!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Small celebration for family get together...

This is a simple celebration and family get together which makes everyone happy especially the kids...

Spiderman Party Theme

It's always lovely to make a kids dream come true especially on their birthday...  This boy wanted to be A spiderman... And he was so happy!!!

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Teacher's Day Project

My teacher's day project
Something nice for Aqeef's teacher...

Birthday Party - A Celebration of Love

I love birthdays because in one year you have at least one day people remember you and you get a chance to make a fuss about someone you love... This was a little celebration for my nephew and niece... And the theme is frozen!